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CRS Score Calculator - Calculate Your Points

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used to rank your profile based on points.

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CRS Score Calculator - Calculate Your Points

You need to make sure that your CRS score is above the minimum points score of your round of invitations

Choose the best answer:

  • If you’ve been invited to apply, enter your age on the date you were invited.
  • If you plan to complete an Express Entry profile, enter your current age.

Enter the highest level of education for which you:

  • earned a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate or
  • had an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) if you did your study outside Canada. (ECAs must be from an approved agency, in the last five years)

Note: a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate must either have been earned at an accredited Canadian university, college, trade or technical school, or other institute in Canada. Distance learning counts for education points, but not for bonus points in your profile or application.

Note: to answer yes:

  • English or French as a Second Language must not have made up more than half your study
  • you must not have studied under an award that required you to return to your home country after graduation to apply your skills and knowledge
  • you must have studied at a school within Canada (foreign campuses don’t count)
  • you had to be enrolled full time for at least eight months, and have been physically present in Canada for at least eight months

5) Official languages: Canada's official languages are English and French.

You need to submit language test results that are less than two years old for all programs under Express Entry, even if English or French is your first language.

Enter your test scores:

If so, which language test did you take for your second official language?

Test results must be less than two years old.

Enter your test scores for:

6) Work Experience

It must have been paid and full-time (or an equal amount in part-time).

Note: In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) is the official list of all the jobs in the Canadian labour market. It describes each job according to skill type, group and level.

"Skilled work" in the NOC is:

  • managerial jobs (NOC Skill Level 0)
  • professional jobs (NOC Skill Type A)
  • technical jobs and skilled trades/manual work (NOC Skill Type B)

If you aren’t sure of the NOC level for this job, you can find your NOC

It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in only one occupation (NOC skill type 0, A or B).

Note: A certificate of qualification lets people work in some skilled trades in Canada. Only the provinces, territories and a federal body can issue these certificates. To get one, a person must have them assess their training, trade experience and skills to and then pass a certification exam.

People usually have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. They may also need experience and training from an employer in Canada.

This isn’t the same as a nomination from a province or territory.

Additional Points

A valid job offer must be

  • full-time
  • in a skilled job listed as Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B in the 2011 National Occupational Classification
  • supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or exempt from needing one
  • for one year from the time you become a permanent resident

A job offer isn’t valid if your employer is:

  • an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or
  • on the list of ineligible employers.

Whether an offer is valid or not also depends on different factors, depending on your case. See a full list of criteria for valid job offers.

You can use our online tool to find out if you don’t know.

Note: to answer yes, the brother or sister must be:

  • 18 years old or older
  • related to you or your partner by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption
  • have a parent in common with you or your partner

A brother or sister is related to you by:

  • blood (biological)
  • adoption
  • marriage (step-brother or step-sister)
  • earned a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate; or
  • had an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)? (ECAs must be from an approved agency, in the last five years)

To get the correct number of points, make sure you choose the answer that best reflects your case. For example:

If you have TWO Bachelor’s degrees, or one Bachelor’s AND a two year college diploma, choose – “Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years.”

It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in one or more NOC 0, A or B jobs.

Test results must be less than two years old.

ii) Enter the test scores for:

Your results

All Express Entry candidates get a score out of 1,200, based on the four parts of the Comprehensive Ranking System formula.

We invite the highest-ranking candidates from the pool to apply as a permanent resident through regular “rounds of invitations.” See what minimum scores have been in the past.

Legal Disclaimer: This tool is intended solely for general guidance and reference purposes. In the event of any discrepancy between the results of this questionnaire and that provided by the Express Entry electronic system, the results provided by the system shall govern, in accordance with provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and Minister's Instructions issued under IRPA s.10.3. This tool will be updated from time to time in accordance with changes to the Ministerial Instructions governing Express Entry.
In the Express Entry pool, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used to rank your profile based on points.

CRS Score Calculator Points Categories:

    1. Age 
    2. Level of education
    3. Official language proficiency
    4. Second official language
    5. Canadian work experience.

From the Express Entry pool, CRS identifies highly skilled candidates. The Canadian government invites them to apply for permanent residence. This tool will help you calculate your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score based on the answers you provide below. The CRS is a points-based system that we use to assess and score your profile and rank it in the Express Entry pool.

It’s used to assess your:
  • Skills
  • Education
  • Language Ability
  • Work Experience
  • Other Factors

Use this tool if:

you’re eligible for at least 1 Express Entry programand

  • you have not filled out an Express Entry profile but you’d like to see what your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score might be if you do or
  • you were invited to apply for permanent residence, and want to see if a change to your profile may affect your CRS score

Summary of maximum points per factor for Express Entry candidates

A. Core Human Capital Factors

Factors Points for every Factor - With no Common-Law Partner or Spouse Points for every Factor - With Common-Law Partner or Spouse
Age 110 100
Level of Education 150 140
Official languages proficiency 160 150
Canadian Work Experience 80 70

B. Spouse or Common-Law Partner Factors

Factors Points for every Factor (Maximum 40 points)
Education Level 10
Proficiency in Official Languages 20
Work Experience in Canada 10

A.  Core Human Capital + B. Common-law partner or Spouse factors = Maximum 500 points (without OR with a common-law partner or spouse)


C. Skill Transferability Factors

Education Points for every Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With excellent proficiency in the official language and post-secondary credentials 50
With work experience in Canada and post-secondary credentials 50
Overseas Work Experience Points Per Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With excellent proficiency in official languages (CLB Canadian Language Benchmark level 7 or more) and post-secondary credentials 50
With overseas work experience and Canadian work experience 50

Qualification Certificate (for individuals in trade jobs) Points Per Factor (Maximum 50 points)
With excellent proficiency in official languages and qualification certificate 50

A.  Core Human Capital + B. Common-law partner or Spouse + C. Skill Transferability factors = Maximum 600 points


D. Additional Points

Factors Maximum points per factor
Sibling in Canada (permanent resident or citizen) 15
French Language proficiency 30
Canadian Post-secondary education 30
Prearranged employment 200
Provincial Nomination 600

A.  Core Human Capital + B. Common-law partner or Spouse + C. Factors for Transferability + D. Extra Points = Total of Maximum 1,200 points


Calculate CRS Score with in minutes

You need to make sure that your CRS score is above the minimum points score of your round of invitations. Canada’s Express Entry program selects the applicants on their CRS Score (Comprehensive Ranking System ) for their eligibility to migrate to Canada. CRS Score Calculator is the tool which is useful to know your profile strength to before apply for Canada pr visa.
CRS Score Calculator is a point-based system that is used by the Canadian Immigration department to access profiles of multiple applicants and ranks them for their entry to the Express Entry Pool. Candidates from this pool are further shortlisted and sent an ITA i.e. Invitation to Apply for Immigration to Canada.

How To Improve the CRS Score

There are primarily two ways to increase the CRS score:
  1. Improve Online Profile.
  2. Proactively prepare for an ITA or provincial nomination

1. Improve online profile:

It is vital that all candidates represent their personal and professional details accurately in their respective express entry profiles.
This not only improves the applicant’s chances of selection for the immigration process but also saves him/her from any penalties for mentioning incorrect details or misleading information in the application form or online profile.
Let us briefly understand the various aspects of the express entry profile that a candidate can work upon to enhance their CRS score.

a. Language

Proficiency in Canadian or English language is a very valuable factor in the CRS score. Being proficient in the desired language can fetch a profile up to 290 additional CRS points. For a Federal Skill Worker candidate to be shortlisted for the Express Entry Pool of candidates, a minimum score of 7 is required in the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) in each of the 4 aspects of language training i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening. However, 10 is the maximum CLB that is awarded in CRS Calculator for the highest level of language proficiency to any candidate.

Language proficiency is an important factor as it also counts for points in many other sections of CRS Score Calculator as well:
  • Accountable in human capital factors.
  • Is valued in skill transfer-ability combinations.
  • Also measured in other factors.
For language proficiency, a candidate can score a maximum of 50 points in the total CRS score. A CLB score of 9 or more is required in all four language parameters – reading, writing, speaking and listening to gain 50 points for language proficiency in the CRS score.

b. Education

The education factor comprises a maximum of 230 points in the CRS score. An applicant can improve his/her education points by adding additional educational qualifications to his/her profile.
This can be easily achieved by either obtaining new degrees other than the existing ones, or by gaining additional Educational Credential Assessments (ECA) for the existing degrees.
For a candidate who has degrees from universities or educational institutions outside of Canada, an ECA is mandatory to gain any points for the education parameter in the CRS score.

c. Spouse / Partner as a primary applicant

If the candidate is married and has a spouse or a common-law partner, he/she must compare their CRS scores with their partner’s CRS scores to decide the primary applicant. You have Opportunity for Aplly for Canada Family Immigration Visa.

d. Work Experience

An applicant can increase his/her CRS score by either obtaining or mentioning more work experience details or by better presenting the current work experience.
At times, a candidate’s job title may undervalue his job experience and the examiner may not even read further. A little tweak to the details can highlight the candidate’s relevant work experience and fetch him more points as compared to the earlier job description.

e. Job Offers

Candidates who already have a job offer from a Canadian employer may get earn additional points anywhere between 50-200 depending upon their job position and job role.
As per IRCC, a valid job offer is one that has been offered in writing and clearly mentions the job role, payment, deductions, job duties, and conditions of employment.

Important Link for Canada PR Visa:


2. Proactively prepare for an ITA or provincial nomination

It is important for a candidate to document his/her work experience as precisely as possible as doing so might land him an opportunity to be nominated for either of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
Canada’s provinces are often looking for candidates with a specific work experience. Now, candidates who have a different primary work experience may be unaware that their other job experience is highly relevant and in great demand in a particular province of Canada. In this scenario, the province may nominate the candidate for immigration to Canada.

Some Examples:

Let us understand how the above-explained factors can enhance the CRS score of a candidate and land him/her the opportunity to migrate to Canada by the Express Entry Program

Example 1 – Language Proficiency
Suppose a candidate is 29 years old, has a master’s degree with three years of skilled foreign work experience and an IELTS score of 7 in each language capability. According to these credentials, the candidate’s CRS Score Calculator equals to 405. Now, if the candidate decides to re-appear for the IELTS examination and is able to improve his/her listening score from 7 to 8, his revised CRS score will be 469. Thus, even a minor improvement to the candidate’s language proficiency can lead to a major increase in his/her CRS score.
Example 2 – Education and Qualifications
Assume a candidate is 35 years old, married, has two foreign bachelor’s degree, three years of work job experience, exceptional English language proficiency and a spouse with one bachelor’s degree and advanced proficiency in the English language. Also, the candidate has ECA only for one of his bachelor’s degree but the spouse has ECA for none of the degrees. The candidate’s CRS score totals to 405 and ECA for one degree will help him/her enter the Express Entry Pool. Now, if the candidate gets an ECA for his/her other bachelor’s degree and an ECA for the spouse’s bachelor’s degree, the candidate’s CRS score can easily be improved to 445 thus offering favorable CRS scores for quick and hassle-free immigration to Canada.

CRS Points Breakdown

A. Core/ Human capital factors 

  • With a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 460 points
  • Without a spouse or common-law partner: Maximum 500 points


Age (In years) With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
17 or less 0 0
18 90 99
19 95 105
20 to 29 100 110
30 95 105
31 90 99
32 85 94
33 80 88
34 75 83
35 70 77
36 65 72
37 60 66
38 55 61
39 50 55
40 45 50
41 35 39
42 25 28
43 15 17
44 5 6
45 or more 0 0

Level of Education With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 0
A secondary diploma (high school graduation) 28 30
One-year degree, diploma, or certificate from  a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institutes 84 90
The two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institutes 91 98
Bachelor's degree OR a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institutes 112 120
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 119 128
Master's degree, OR professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For professional degree, the degree program must have been in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.) 126 135
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 140 150
Official language proficiency - the first official language
Maximum points for each ability ( Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing): 
  • 32 with a spouse or common-law partner
  • 34 without a spouse or common-law partner
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
Less than 4 0 0
4 or 5 6 6
6 8 9
7 16 17
8 22 23
9 29 31
10 or more 32 34
Official language proficiency - the second official language
Maximum points for each ability (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) 
  • 6 with a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 22 points)
  • 6 without a spouse or common-law partner (up to a combined maximum of 22 points) 


Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
4 or less 0 0
5 or 6 1 1
7 or 8 3 3
9 or more 6 6

Canadian Work Experience (In-years) With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
0 or less than 1 0 0
1 35 40
2 46 53
3 56 64
4 63 72
5 or more 70 80


Subtotal: A. Core / human capital factors 

  • With a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 460 points
  •  Without a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 500 points


 B. Spouse or Common-law partner factors

Spouses or common-law partners level of education With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
Less than secondary school (high school) 0 -
Secondary school (high school graduation) 2 -
One-year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institutes 6 -
The two-year program at a university, college, trade or technical in school, or other institutes 7 -
Bachelor's degree OR a three or more year program at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other institutes 8 -
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees. One must be for a program of three or more years 9 -
Master's degree, or professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession (For professional degree, the degree program must have been in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, law, chiropractic medicine, or pharmacy.) 10 -
Doctoral level university degree (Ph.D.) 10 -

Spouse's or common-law partner's official languages proficiency - the first official language

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level per ability With a spouse or common-law partner Without a spouse or common-law partner
4 or less 0 -
5 or 6 1 -
7 or 8 3 -
9 or more 5 -

Spouse's Canadian work experience (In-years) Maximum 10 points Without a spouse or common-law partner (Does not apply)
0 or less than a year 0 -
1 5 -
2 7 -
3 8 -
4 9 -
5 or more 10 -

Subtotal:  A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors = Maximum 500 points

C. Skill Transferability factors

With good official language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark Level [CLB] 7 or higher) and a post-secondary degree Points for CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, with one or more under CLB 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials were issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50
A university-level credential at the master's level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50

With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree Points for education + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for education + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
Secondary school (high school) credential or less 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials were issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer 25 50
A university-level credential at the master's level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50

Foreign work experience With good official language proficiency (CLB 7 or higher)

Foreign Work Experience (In Years) Points for foreign work experience + CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 9 (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
0 0 0
1 or 2 13 25
3 or more 25 50

Foreign Work Experience + Canadian Work Experience

Foreign Work Experience (In Years) Points for foreign work experience + 1 year of Canadian work experience (Maximum 25 points) Points for foreign work experience + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience (Maximum 50 points)
0 0 0
1 or 2 13 25
3 or more 25 50

Certificate of qualification (trade occupations) With good official language proficiency (CLB 5 or higher) Points for a certificate of qualification + CLB 5 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 7 (Maximum 25 points) Points for a certificate of qualification + CLB 7 or more on all four first official language abilities (Maximum 50 points)
With a certificate of qualification 25 50

Subtotal:  A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors = Maximum 600 points

D. Additional Points

Additional Points Maximum 600 points
Brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada 15
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or didn't take an English test) 25
Scored NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills 50
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential of one or two years 15
Post-secondary education in Canada - credential three years or longer 30
Arranged employment - NOC 00 200
Arranged employment any other NOC 0, A, or B 50
Provincial or territorial nomination 600

Subtotal: D. Additional points Maximum 600 points

Grand total: A. Core / human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors + D. Additional points = Maximum 1,200 points

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